bookdown in Forschung und Lehre

Ein Plädoyer

Image source: Leonard Bentley (Flickr)

Was ist das Problem?

Es ist getrennt, was zusammen gehört
Web 2.0?

Was ist die Lösung?

Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to do, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do.
I’ve stumbled across a method of composing programs that excites me very much. In fact, my enthusiasm is so great that I must warn the reader to discount much of what I shall say as the ravings of a fanatic who thinks he has just seen a great light.
By coining the phrase 'literate programming', I am imposing a moral commitment on everyone who hears the term; surely nobody wants to admit writing an illiterate program.
I chose the name WEB partly because it was one of the few three-letter words of English that hadn’t already been applied to computers.


Was muss man tun?

(Spoiler: sehr wenig)


							plot(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)

							fit <- lm(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)



							plot(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)
							fit <- lm(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)

							title: "Brain- vs. body mass"
							output: html_document


							plot(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)
							fit <- lm(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)

Was bekommt man dafür?

(Spoiler: sehr viel)

							title: "Brain- vs. body mass"
							output: html_document


							plot(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)
							fit <- lm(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)
🧶 knit
J. Rousseeuw, Annick M. Leroy (1987): Robust Regression and Outlier Detection

							title: "Example 4: Brain and Weight Data"
							output: pdf_document
							Table 7 presents the brain weight (in grams) and the body weight (in kilograms) of 28 animals. (This sample was taken from larger data sets in Weisberg 1980 and Jerison 1973.) It is to be investigated whether a larger brain is required to govern a heavier body. A clear picture of the relationship between the logarithms (to the base 10) of these measurements is shown in Figure 7. This logarithmic transformation was necessary because plotting the original measurements would fail to represent either the smaller or the larger measurements. Indeed, both original variables range over several orders of magnitude. A linear fit to this transformed data would be equivalent to a relationship of the form
							$$\hat{y} = \hat{\Theta}'_2x^{\hat{\Theta_1}}$$
							between brain weight (y) and body weight (x). 
							```{r, echo = FALSE, warning=FALSE}
							```{r, echo = FALSE}
							plot(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)
							fit <- lm(log10(brain)~log10(body), Animals)
							Looking at Figure 7, it seems that this transformation makes things more linear. Another important advantage of the log scale is that the heteroscedasticity disappears. 
							The LS fit is given by
							$$\log \hat{y} = 0.49601 \log x + 1.10957$$
							(dashed line in Figure 7). The standard error associated with the slope equals 0.0782, and that of the intercept term is 0.1794. In Section 3, we explained how to construct a confidence interval for the unknown regression parameters. For the present example, n = 28 and p = 2, so one has to use the 97.5% quantile of the t-distribution with 26 degrees of freedom, which equals 2.0555. Using the LS results, a 95% confidence interval for the slope is given by t0.3353; 0.65673. The RLS yields the solid line in Figure 7, which is a fit with a steeper slope:
							$$\log \hat{y} = 0.75092 \log x + 0.86914$$
							```{r, echo=FALSE}
							kable(Animals,caption = "Table 7. Body and Brain Weight for 28 Animals", col.names = c("Body Weight (kg)","Brain Weight (g)")) |>

🧶 knit

die Vorteile:

  • Es ist zusammen, was zusammen gehört
  • Es ist getrennt, was was getrennt gehört
  • Minimaler test, kein hidden state
  • Eine Quellcode, viele Outputs
  • Web 2.0 kompatibel
  • Literaturverwaltung
  • Plaintext files (= Versioncontrol)

Wie funktionert es?

... und was bringt bookdown?!

... und was bringt bookdown?!

  • Querverweise auf Tabellen, Bilder, Kapitel, usw. mit eindeutiger ID
  • Inhalts-, Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis
  • Vereinen mehrerer Rmd-files
  • weitere (z.B Theorems & Proofs)

... und was ist eigentlich quarto?!

  • Rmarkdown 2.0
  • Kein RPackage sondern ein CLI
  • Language agnostic (R, Python, Julia, JavaScript and more to come)
  • Multi engine support (knitr, Jupyter, observable and more to come)
  • Rückwärtskompatibel (nicht 100%)
  • Inkludiert bookdown

Und wie teile ich das?

Website hosting



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